Across remote villages, dotting the landscape of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, women use oil from the hemp seed as a skin-rejuvenating agent. Leaves from the same crop are ground to be used as traditional medicine. The extract from the leaves can also be used to make proprietary ayurvedic medicines. The more we probe, the more we discover what this super crop can help us achieve.
BOHECO’s research is a pursuit of such discoveries. What takes place here is learning about materials and processes from scientists, doctors, pharmacologists, entrepreneurs, and many other creators of the world, instrumental in innovating cannabis and hemp’s applications.
In April 2017, the central government and the Ministry of Health and Welfare issued the first-ever research licence to grow Cannabis. A research conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM) in association with BOHECO. In an unprecedented attempt to revisit the ancient knowledge of medical Cannabis and revive its benefits for the modern-day Indian consumer.
In India, close to 60% of districts see the wild and feral growth of Cannabis. Here optimum seeds are vital to ensure a standardised output. We sought it in far and wide farmlands to launch the first-of-its-kind licensed Hemp breeding program. To advance this project, we maintain a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) through Athulya Krishi Foundation (BOHECO’s not-for-profit arm); and various government-run scientific institutions.
Our seed breeding and standardisation activity conducted in UP and Uttarakhand; is in association with CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow and G.B. PIHED, Almora. The process involved the collection of over 150 natural germplasms from various geographic locations. We study the seeds to identify the quality of cannabinoids, nutritional profile and fibre. The study helps select the seeds with optimum value for the next stage of breeding. We work towards standardisation through a natural selection process (non-GMO) of plant breeding. The aim is to develop low-level THC seeds approved by relevant regulatory authorities.
seed & leaf based applications
The nutritional, medicinal and therapeutic benefits of Cannabis are rooted in ancient Ayurvedic knowledge. The idea is to apply an Ancient formula to modern-day context and provide solutions for a better lifestyle. BOHECO brings together scientific experts, Ayurvedic medical practitioners, formulation experts, senior pharmacologists, and PhD in Natural Products. Our team of qualified expert work to develop state of the art products that improve quality of life.
Our process begins with research on the demographics, geographies, consumption patterns, and lifestyle choices of people living in India. Research helps us identify areas the health and wellness industries are yet to touch upon, collect real-time data and record information for our formulation team. Post formulations and prototypes creation, extensive compatibility and efficacy trials are conducted. This effort continues post product launch when every product goes through an incubation period of 90-120 days. During which we actively collate market feedback.
Every stage of this process helps us evaluate the scope for improvement and make necessary changes. The end products are introduced to the market once all our stakeholders are on board. The insight-driven data help our Ayurvedic experts develop world-class products.
Our products aim to assist you through every step of your day, making way for a healthier generation.
textile based applications
BOHECO is the only commercial partner to be associated with the project to create an integrated technology platform for the application of hemp fibres in the textile industry along with the Ministry of Textiles and IIT Delhi. The idea is to explore and establish the commercial potential of Hemp fibre in the Textile industry through fundamental as well as applied research by creating a technology platform to provide sustainable technological solutions in apparel, home textile and technical textile sectors. To name a few main research studies conducted as a part of this project- anti-microbial properties of hemp, degumming of raw fibre, different spinning techniques, and characterization of hemp fibre. Through this endeavour, we wish to commoditize the use of hemp textiles and make it a mainstream fabric choice in India.
clinical trials
The meeting of cannabinoids with the Human Endocannabinoid System builds a compelling case for the efficacy of cannabis based-medicines. Clinical trials and research-driven data collection are crucial parts of our product building process. Evidence gathered here elucidates the safety and advantages of medicinal cannabis and supports the knowledge documented in ancient ayurvedic texts.
BOHECO regularly generates clinical evidence, through which we aim to unlearn the views on cannabis and win the trust of scientific and regulatory communities. We are partnered with the National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, to conduct clinical trials for lifestyle ailments such as arthritis, eczema, digestive issues, stress and others in the pipeline. The clinical studies have witnessed real impact and improvement of patients’ quality of life. Two of these studies are in the pre-publication stage, while the others are at various stages of completion.
Additionally, in 2019, BOHECO partnered with Tata Memorial Centre for a CABREX Study - to evaluate the effect of cannabis (a plant extract) used in vapour form before surgery on clinical and gene expression in breast cancer patients. The study named: Clinical Effect of vaporised Cannabinoids on Breast cancer genetic Expression patterns in the peri-operative stage. The CABREX study is at the participant recruitment stage, with the study expected to commence in mid-2022.